industry leading
hemp bedding

Low Dust for Healthy Lungs

Small Animal Bedding


Large Animal Bedding


The Reviews are in!

“I’ve been using Wyoming Hemp Co. 's bedding for my horse trailer while traveling, and it has been a game-changer! The highly absorbent bedding pulls out ammonia odor, keeping the trailer dry and fresh. Its low-dust formula helps maintain a clean smell, ensuring a more comfortable environment for my horses. Plus, cleanup is so much easier!”

Teagan Gourneau
Horse Owner

Large Animal Hemp Bedding

“Using Wyoming Hemp Company’s bedding helped us reduce both parasites and upper respiratory infections in our flock vs. using wood shavings. Our board unanimously voted to make the permanent switch to Wyoming Hemp Company’s bedding because it decreased vet bills while significantly elevating the health of our birds.”

Andrea Davis
Director at Broken Shovels Farm Sanctuary

Small Animal Hemp Bedding

"I was amazed at how clean the Wyoming Hemp Company’s bedding keeps our eggs. It eliminates odors from the coop, and the eggs don’t even have a smell when you wash them!"

Marsha B.
Nebraska Chicken Farmer

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is hemp the same as medical or recreational marijuana?

What is the Difference between Small Animal Hemp Bedding and Large Animal Hemp Bedding?

Can I buy in Bulk?

What types of research does your farm focus on?

Do you offer tours?

What are the environmental benefits of using hemp?

Who can I contact in Wyoming for more information about growing hemp?